

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock during the Oscars on Sunday after Chris Rock made a “G.I. Jane” joke about Smith’s wife, actress Jada Pinkett Smith. Pinkett Smith, who has shaved her head, suffers from hair loss due to the autoimmune disease alopecia.

The incident explained 👇:

Chris Rock [on stage]: Jada. I love you. “GI Jane 2. ”Can’t wait to see ya. It’s…That was a nice one. OK. I’m up here. Uh oh. Richard?

Will smith: [walks up stage and slaps him]

Chris Rock: Oh wow, Wow, Will Smith just smacked the sh*t out of me.

Will Smith [now back in his seat shouts]: Keep my wife’s name out your f**king mouth

Chris Rock: Wow dude

Will Smith: Yes

Chris Rock: It was a “G.I. Jane” joke.

Will Smith: Keep my wife’s name out your f**king mouth.

Chris Rock: I’m going to. OK? Oh ok. That was the greatest night in the history of television.

You might be wondering why a joke about Jada and GI Jane would trigger Will Smith so much that he will react this way.

GI Jane is a 90s action movie about a bald female soldier and Chris made mention of it in reference to Jada’s current hairstyle.

Apparently Jada’s hairstyle is as a result of a hair loss illness called alopecia that she has been struggling with for quiet some time.

Will Smith later apologized in his speech after winning the Academy’s best actor award.

“I want to apologize to the Academy. I want to apologize to my all my fellow nominees,” he said.

“Art imitates life. I look like the crazy father just like they said about Richard Williams. But love will make you do crazy things.” …he continued.

Check out the full video of the incident here👇

Will Smith’s speech after winning Best Actor at the Oscars 👇

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